
MagicJack TalkFree App Logon | Login | Signin

MagicJack TalkFree App Logon | Login | Signin

Message receive after launching magicjack app
"a few seconds to free phone calls"
The iphone must be JAILBROKEN and unlocked to access Cydia to download the app named " udid faker " from Cydia.

MagicJack APP Solution
go to cydia
 install :udid faker
load udid , find magicjack app and change to random udid
run magicjack 

Go to cydia
 install :udid faker
search in udid faker app for MagicJack TalkFree App and change the random udid


  1. Anonymous5/15/2014

    Didn't work on my iPhone.

  2. Anonymous5/28/2014

    As of the new version, this is not an issue. Use other SIP app's.


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